Kevin Smith is a fat man (he admitted to it, many times) and director. He was kicked off of a plane for being too fat, and feels like he shouldn't have. Also, since he has an ongoing podcast site of his own, he was able to make a podcast, in which he explained what happened once and for all. This story is a potential story for my revised essay, and since it is as thourough as it is, I believe that I will use it often nd it will be effective.
It all started when I was reserching. I was looking for multiple examples of people getting kicked off of planes. When I found the one about Kevin Smith, the kid sitting next to me notified me of then "smodcasts" that Kevin Smith makes, and showed me the one about the incident. Later that night, I listened to it. I was not ready for an hour and a half podscast, but it was very informative. I learned what happened in detail, why Kevin is angry about it, and what he thinks should be done.
Mr. Smith says that anyone his size or larger should boycott Southwest Airlines. These airlines, in particular, are reletively cheap and build for saving money and space. Mr. smith claims that making seats for skinny people is unamerican, because the average size of a person is increasing.
I thought of maybe taking a stand close to where Kevin Smith did, but that would be rather hard. I thought of this because I have seen three incidents where Southwest Airlines have kicked people off of planes for possibly bad reasons. This, however, doesn't prove that they are more prone to kicking people off in general, or just that they get media about it. Also I couldn't argue the same argument that Mr. Smith is exactly, that fat people shouldn't ride Southwest Airlines, because I am not fat, and it would be degrading, whereas for Kevin Smith to do it wouldn't be.
I will contionue to pursue the topic about where airline companies should be qualified to kick people off of planes. Also I will try to explore how I could qualify this. By using Kevin Smith's podcast, I can add specific information about specific incidents, and make the paper seem much more real-life.
Blog Plagiarism: A Friendly Reminder
11 years ago
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